»I developed lamps that combine the industrial process with the glassblowers’ craft. The opal shade works as a diffusor and the improvised shapes as a shade. During my first visit in the glass factory Steklarna Hrastnik I discovered a so-called “Pre-mold”, used to shape the glass roughly until it is blown into a real mold. It was made of plates arranged in a circular shape. I made my own pre-molds from wire and metal grids. They only roughly determine the final shape, and that task falls upon the glassblowers. The improvised shapes are then integrated with simple geometric industrial glass pieces that Steklarna Hrastnik is already producing – high quality opal glass shades for the lighting industry – and combined to make a series of lamps.«
Project by Annika Frye
As part of material GLASS with the company Steklarna Hrastnik.