A plastic company like Plastika Saza is a true industrial entity. With a constantly full production line, an endless amount of objects leaves their factory daily. In an interesting experiment, the company teamed up with communications consultancy Consensus and Interseroh, who develops procyclen, a new, public waste-based plastic material. The team of architects Ursa Vrhunc and Mima Suhadolc and industrial designers Dejan Kos and Klemen Smrtnik focused on bringing this new material back to the public of whose waste procyclen was originally generated. Together, they developed a public, rentable shopping cart that enhances the experience of walking in the Ljubljana city center. Designer Emile de Visscher, on the other hand, used his Polyfloss machine — developed previously with an interdisciplinary team — to experiment with procyclen felting and opening ways for new uses of the material.