Last week BIO 50 participated at Milano Design Week as the invitee of Z33 DEBATES & INVITES.
Daily debates on the future of design taking place at Palazzo Clerici were moderated by Jan Boelen, curator of BIO 50. The third Z33 debate focused on mentorship and collaboration where guests of that day were Aldo Bakker and Rianne Makkink, both mentors of BIO 50 teams.
With the audience fully engaging in discussion the event covered questions of mentorship and its balance between leading and inspiration as well as the importance of authorship in team-orientated projects. Although teamwork is about comfort and trust, it is important to leave our comfort zones if we want to achieve something extraordinary. Pushing the participant outside the known and comfortable is therefore one of the tasks for the mentors.
As Karen Verschoorenthank rounded for ZSS the BIO 50 is "taking a leap of faith and creating the circumstances in which these modus operandi can be explored further".
Vera Sacchetti, member of BIO 50 curatorial team, on the third Z33 debate:
Photos: BIO50 organisational team