24th Biennial of Design
Ljubljana, Slovenia
18. 9.—7. 12. 2014
3, 2, 1 ... Test
#Observing Space
Photo: Ana Kovač/MAO Photo: Ana Kovač/MAO
Photo: Ana Kovač/MAO

Europia membrane is a blown-up geometrical capsule with a single-person entrance. Inside, the visitor can hear a soundtrack of planet Jupiter.* The membrane is developed as an icon, representing the utopia of establishing an ideal society in Space. The structure refers to a timeframe from the first flight explorations to the contemporary solutions for living in an alien environment. The membrane is used to establish a space within a space for personal contemplation. Through its symbolic presence and experience of the interior, the structure aims to trigger a collective memory of Space discoveries and expectations regarding the development of society.

Project by Andrej Strehovec