Quick Bulletin on BIO Ljubljana

*Missed Milan Design Week and wondered how the BIO 50 exhibition looked? Check out some pictures from the exhibition on Flickr and find out how it looked as well as who saw the projects, while we were there. Take a look!
*PSX Consultancy of Designing Life receives honorary mention at Ars Electornica! Find out more!
*A lot of BIO 50 projects are continuing its journey and BIO 50 lives on, however next BIO is coming fast, so we changed our BIO_50 Twitter account to @BIO_Ljubljana. Join us on our new continuing Twitter adventure!
*Some kind words from Alice Rawsthorn in Frieze Magazine about BIO 50: "Many of the new design challenges are explored in the fringe exhibitions and debates held during the Salone. But a furniture fair is not the most empathic or effective forum for them, raising the possibility of their migrating elsewhere. Just as imm cologne has emerged as a commercial competitor to Milan, a number of small-but-feisty cultural events are becoming increasingly influential within design discourse, as the Ljubljana and Istanbul design biennials demonstrated last year. None of them commands anywhere near as large an audience or as much media attention as Milan, nor has another city mounted a knockout bid to host the pre-eminent designfest. Even so, there are now more congenial homes for the provocative design projects that may never have been on the Salone’s official agenda, but have given it such prestige and vitality over the years." Read all about it!
*Finally, the open call for next BIO is coming! It might be here SOONER than you think. Watch the usual space for updates!