Two interesting weeks of the Biennial of Design are still ahead of us!
So far, various activities took place at the BIO 50, both those that are closely related to the exhibition such as guided tours, children’s creative workshops, debates and events organised by the team members, as well as exhibitions, workshops and events within the BIO 50: NOW accompanying programme. While the latter complement the Biennial’s programme with the wide range of different design events, the first are mostly connected to the themes of the Biennial with the aim to explain them to certain groups of visitors.
When visiting BIO at the Museum of Architecture and Design, visitors encounter projects by Nanotourism, including BIO 50 hotel hosted within the museum’s exhibition halls. Each guest cooperated with the intervention in the exhibition or organisation of event in exchange for the free accommodation in the temporary hotel. So far, the hotel hosted guests from the Studio Superfluo + Sustaninable Making, Stefan Alber, Francesco Iovino to the BIO team members. With the aim to connect with local residents of Fužine in Ljubljana, the Affordable Living group displayed a mobile object MOTO at the castle park for different events; and the Knowing Food group organized market in October and November next to their museum garden for the people of the neighbourhood to the trade and sell the surplus of their crops. The forum on Japanese Knotweed (Fallopia japonica) is still to follow. The public space of Ljubljana was approached by the Walking the City group with the Agency of Walking that organised guided tours and other performances (along with special audio guides for walks around MAO), and partly the Public Water – Public Space group, who tackled the issues of bringing water back to the forefront of public space. The visitors of the projects by the Observing Space group can become familiar with the communication in the space, while the Designing Life group and their project of plants’ sex life have received an incredibly positive response from the international design circuits. The issues and questions of the themes of Hidden Crafts, Hacking Households, Engine Blocks and _The Fashion System- were already, and will still be in the future, addressed at the public debates. In the background of the work by the groups, different agreements on the cooperation in the future are taking place within the development of the projects that have started at BIO 50 or within other projects by team members.
The last days of the exhibition will have especially tight schedule of events. The Wednesday, 3 December, will be marked with the Happy Day of Culture with free entry to the exhibitions, guided tours and projection of short films by young filmmakers. The last weekend of the exhibition will begin with the conference on design policy on Friday, 5 December, focusing on the opinions by important players engaged in this field in Slovenia, market by Knowing Food group in Fužine, sound creative workshop for the youngest and marathon guided tour at all three venues in Ljubljana on Sunday.